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code: LOSJ0235 Gibeon Meteorite Spacers 9+mm



Charm Besi Bintang Angkasa Tulen "Bunga Cengkih" 🔮 Semua Meteorite warna asal ia adalah warna seakan besi, manakala warna rose gold ia hanyalah plated untuk tujuan nampak lebih cantik. Semua adalah sama di pasaran. Lama-lama pakai, warna gold plated akan turun kembali ke warna asal. GIBEON METEORITE Spacers Dalam keadaan ekonomi sekarang... ~business semakin slow... ~nasib baik semakin menurun... ~Ramai "orang jahat" di sekeliling yang dengki, suka cucuk belakang (backstabbing) depan majikan, buat kita susah cari makan... 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Pernah hadapi apabila nasib buruk datang, akan ada satu tempoh masa ketika itu apa-apa yang kita buat, tidak ada yang akan berjalan lancar. Kita tidak dapat melakukan semua perkara dengan baik😥 Secara amnya, apabila keadaan menjadi buruk, orang tersebut akan mula memancarkan tenaga yang negatif. Orang tersebut akan mulalah berfikir secara negatif juga, jadi bagaimana nasib boleh menjadi lebih baik jika hanya keluarkan energi negatif❓ Fungsi Meteorite: 💗😍 ✔️Meteorite dapat menguatkan aura anda dan memberi anda medan magnet yang baik untuk attract energi yang positif ✔️Membuang/meleraikan tenaga negatif dalam badan ✔️Membawa nasib baik , lucky charm untuk jualan bisnes semakin bertambah ✔️Melariskan perniagaan, menambahkan peluang untuk kejayaan. Attract nobleman luck supaya dapat mengelak dan mengurangkan niat jahat/ cemburu/ mengelak gossip pada pemakai ✔️Menjemput rezeki dan kebahagiaan. Memperbaiki hubungan dengan keluarga, majikan dan orang sekeliling. ✔️Mengelakkan sihir ✔️Jika diletak di dalam rumah, melindungi rumah dan meningkatkan keselamatan. Boleh diletak dalam bilik tidur juga. ************************* Our luck will rise and fall. Sometimes we are on top, sometimes we are down. When our luck is down, maybe you will find nothing goes well at all. That is when we start to emit negative energy and thinking negatively. How can we have good luck if we start thinking negatively❓ Meteorite 💕 ✅it is believed to strengthen your Reiki, aura and give you a good magnetic field to attract the good luck. ✅it is believed to be very strongly can help wearer by attracting good luck and thus at the same time can eliminate negative energy Let the good luck come rolling in and welcome abundance of wealth into our live! ************************* Healing benefits of Meteorite: 🔮In healing, Meteorite may be used in the treatment of anemia, strengthener for the blood and tissues, incoherence and melancholia. Meteorite may be used to assist one in understanding the physical body so that the body becomes one with the spirit. Meteorite offers strength and hope in the face of a long struggle or physical ailment. 🔮Nickel-Iron Meteorites are almost completely metallic, being composed of blended nickel and iron. These meteorites are composed of the same material that forms the Earths core, and they may come from the cores of destroyed planets or the planet forming bodies called planetesimals. These meteorites can be sliced and etched, revealing patterns of cross-hatched lines, called Widmanstatten figures. These meteorites, in ancient times, were considered as a prized source of metal for making weapons. Nickel-Iron Meteorite's high vibration intensity activates the kundalini channel along the spine. 🔮Nickel-Iron Meteorites are powered with the energies of the stars. Nickel-Iron Meteorite facilitates great awakenings and changes take the leap supported by the cosmic energies of Nickel-Iron Meteorite and enjoy the journey. Nickel-Iron Meteorites helps one develop patience on the spiritual path. Nickel-Iron Meteorites helps one find the spiritual in the most mundane of daily tasks and the enjoyment of the structure of routine in ones life. Nickel-Iron Meteorite is helpful in seeing projects through to completion. Nickel-Iron Meteorite bring emotional balance and help one develop and understand wisdom that come from emotional experiences. 🔮In crystal body layouts or healing grids, Nickel-Iron Meteorite stimulates the third-eye and crown chakras preparing one for inner vision and spiritual awakening. Placed on the root chakra, Nickel-Iron Meteorite awakens the kundalini energies and provides a good source of grounding. When placed on the Solar Plexus chakra, Nickel-Iron Meteorite stimulates the right action honoring the gifts of spiritual awakening and transformation. 🔮The energy of Nickel-Iron Meteorite combines well with Moldavite, Libyan Gold Tektite and Tibetan Tektites.

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